Sunday, November 15, 2009

Forensics Freaks

journal: I had my second debate tournament. It was fun, but I feel like i didn't do great. I got sixth place in one of my events, but it's really more that I think I did better in my first tournament than this one. I felt kind of scatterbrained all weekend, but I had some really fun and random conversations with the others on the team. we came up with a name for ourselves(see title) because the other class/clubs have names (e.g. band geeks, orcha-dorks) and we wanted a name too. We keep saying we should do a debate class party and my house has officially been nominated because one of the varsity people stayed at my house and saw the pool we're building (oh yeah, we're building a pool. How cool is that?) and the big screen TV downstairs (and my "hidden fridge.")

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Journal: The first semester is almost over. i can't wait. The first semester of success is supposed to be the hardest. Apparently the hardest combination is SUCCESS and debate. It explains a lot, and makes sense when you think about it. I went to my school play and the tuacahn dance recital this week. both were amazing. literally all of my friends were in tech, though. I was alone all week. I was about to die of boredom during lunch.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me? Slacking? Never.

Journal: Okay, so I'm a slacker. SUCCESS is killing me! I still think it's cool though, and I'm gonna stay. My english teacher is a strict grader! I just barely got my grade up to about an A- (it doesn't really tell you your grades, so that's an estimation). Tennis is over, so I'm hoping to have more time, but thinking through the clubs I signed up for I'm not so sure. I'm gonna die, though. the high school library has hardly any entertainment reading! We're headed to Disneyland this week which should be awesome. If I slack this bad again, hit me. 'Kay, MAC?

Random Thought: Why do people think anime geeks are so weird? So much is actually japanese influenced. We just realize and admit it when we're imitating japan. But somehow, we're the idiots. Also, yese we're kind of odd sometimes, but who's better off? The 'normal' kid who could be doing the world's coolest thing and be bored out of his or her mind, or the otaku who could be entertained for half an hour by turning a page?

Review: Cirque du Freak. Okay, fine. I'll admit it's good so far. Jin wins. I finished book two!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Two weeks is way to long.

Journal: Last week I hung out with my friends almost everyday. It was awesome. On thursday we went to the water park and I killed my phone. hehehe.
This week all of my cousins came over and we hung out until Thursday. I was about ready to kill someone by the end. I'm the oldest of my cousins who came and I'm not used to so many little kids. We went to the washington rec center on tuesday. As we were walking in I heard someone and thought "that sounds exactly like Tyler." (Tyler is tsuki's twin bro) I turned around and it was him. I didn't think tsuki was there, though because He was with some guy I didn't recognize. turns out we both just had all of our cousins there at the same time. We hung out practically the whole time. I was making fun of her pain. Her cousin also started making out with me. It was really weird. (for the record, he was two. I'll bet I gave Mac a heart attack with
When I went to the greenhouse on thursday, there was a huge group planting poinsettias. The teacher put me in charge of them, even though I had no clue we were doing this until that day. I was only supposed to be amnaging the south part of the greenhouse, but w/e.
I'm going to try to get my permit tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

Thought: It's just about impossible to put christian music to rap, unless you're trying to be goofy. It is, however, possible to pull of christian music with screamo parts.

Review: blood and chocolate (book). Okami's crazy. I didn't like it at all.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Journal: I am being injured in really stupid ways today. I went downstairs to put something in the freezer, and when I bent down a thing of ground beef fell on my head. I was crying and laughing at the same time. A couple minutes later, my sister said she was going to do youth choir because one of her friends was doing it, and she wanted to do it if someone else would. I gave her a 'what?' look because I've been doing it for awhile. She goes "Oh, well i meant one of my friends." I fake stabbed myself in the heart, except i did it too hard and hurt myself. hehehe.
I've been assigned to make suer I have my permit by the 20th. I need my social security first because somebody lost it. *significantly looks at mom*
Tadashi and Hikari came down for the week! nyah! (no, those are not their real names) They stayed at my house and we had so much fun. we made sock puppets and talked a ton about our stories, I got both of them to agree to start writing again, we'll see how that works out, we had a slumber party, and we hung out with my family friends yesterday. I always forget how much I like that family, then we hang out and I wonder why i never see them.

Thought: I'm a dementor! I'm a dementor!

Review: Night world is awesome! I picked it up from the library and I was going "what have I read of hers? I know that name!" then I saw something about 'author of vampire diaries' and I'm all "Oh, that could be it." Hoshi recommended it and lent them to me earlier this year.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Youth Conference

Journal: I had youth conference this week! 'twas awesome. It was military themed and very fun. My ears got sunburned. My arms also hurt from canoeing. THREE TIMES!!! I love canoeing. I clearly haven't been in too long, though, if my arms hurt after three five minute cone rides. less than five for most. Then again, I was racing at full speed two of the times, with others who weren't quite as good at it. We also did an obstacle course and I went halfway in socks! We had a freerunner in my platoon! He basically ran all the way up a thirteen foot wall with no help!

Thought: I so wish I could do freerunning. wouldn't that be awesome?

Review: The Hunger Games. Just read it. it's sooooooooo good!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Journal: I'm sick today. so fun *note extreme sarcasm* I watched two movies so far, a bunch of tv shows, and now I'm on the compy. I also missed my math class. It's just a good thing the grade doesn't actually go on my transcript. I'd be doomed.
For FHE last night we went to the water park and went on a scavenger hunt for the statues nearby. it was fun.

Thought: Adults say we as teens are trying to figure out who we are. that's not quite true. I know exactly who I am. I'm hyper, dorkish, slightly obnoxious, stuff like that. What we're trying to figure out is who we're going to be, because while I know that's who I am, I know I won't always be like that.

Review: Blood and Chocolate (movie). It was okay, but not great. It was kinda confuzzling.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Journal: I found out that my friend in my math class (Jessica) knows every person in my group except me. I guess she knows me now, but not before this class. The class is very fun, though. We can sit wherever we want and i sit next to her and she's very hyper and we just sit there and giggle the whole time about nonsense. Apparently she gets up at two in the morning everyday to watch inuyasha, but she couldn't think of the name until I said it, and she has no idea what it's about. I guess that's what you get for waking up at two in the morning every day. She was also one of the people who Robert used to stalk. I guess they're all friends or something. Toshi's the one who introduced me to Jessica, and I know Kena knows both of them. Jessica was one of her fellow orcha-dorks (Kena's word, not mine.) in seventh grade.

Thought: Isn't it weird how sometimes the exact same thing can have the total opposite effect on people? Like a rebellious song, let's say. Some people start thinking "this is totally my life" or something and it makes them rebellious and some people here this song it's just kind of "Hmm, interesting song." or maybe they sing along and that's just kind of the way they vent their feelings, then they go back to normal. Adults can say we're really the same, and we did start out that way, but we really aren't anymore.

Review: I started reading Artemis Fowl. I finished the first book. It was so good, but it kind of bugs me that his name is Artemis and he's a guy. Whatever. It was way good. It was kind of the same smart-people-battle-of-wits type thing I loved about death note. I hope the next ones are as good.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

School is run by idiots for the 500th time.

I got my class schedule today. or what it would have been if I hadn't gotten into SUCCESS Academy. Thank goodness I did, that's all I'm saying. They got rid of Theatre and Spanish and turned my Honors World Civ class into normal World Civ. They replaced the two credits with Electronic Basic and Automotive Service Basic. okay, so two stupid vocational things, both of which have a class fee? seriously? You'd think they'd be able to figure out from my class choices to at least replace it with academic or art classes. Someone Selected my classes with eenie meanie miney moe, I swear. I also just noticed they turned my honors Biology class into regular biology, and my algebra 2 class into elementary algebra. They bumped my down two grades in math.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Don't you hate it...

when you say something and immediately realize it has a double meaning? and that the other meaning is pretty bad...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Math Class

Journal: I started a math class today. It is fun. it's in preparation for the success academy thing, so all the kids are smart which makes it fun no matter what. There's a ton of homework. took me forever to finish.
I went to the library today. did you know there's a limit to how many books you can request at one time? I believe it's seven, but I wasn't actually counting. I got two books I know are good, one I'm pretty sure is, and two I'm just praying for.

Thought: How come all the smart kids are so hyper? I guess not all but like 90% or something of the straight A students are the crazy people. kinda funny, isn't it, cause when you think smart you think nerdy and boring.

Review: The Year of Secret Assignments. The main characters are 3 teenage girls, Cassy, Emily, and Lydia. They get an assignment to have pen pals in a nearby school. They've been best friends since elementary and their parents are all lawyers. It was very funny, but there were some ever so slightly creepy parts. Not really bad, though.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Girls' Camp!

Journal: Girls' Camp was awesome. We didn't even stay in a tent. beat that, guys. We stayed in an awesome cabin that was bigger than my house. We went rappelling on Saturday. my sister and I made the top 3 worst crashes. I'll have to post pictures of mine when we put them on the compy. Everyone slipped in the exact same place. I ended up upside-down. freaked me out so bad that when i got to the bottom it hurt to open my hands due to my white-knuckle death-grip.
The beehives got attacked by an invisible bat. We were sitting there and we heard screaming. we ran out and the beehives were all screaming about a bat in their room. no one saw it after that, and even the girls still cowering in the corner of the room couldn't say where it was.
I tripped on the hike. the young women's leaders were very escited for a chance to use their first aid stuff and amde me stop so they could apply liquid bandaids. my shoulder still hurts.
Awesome pranks I helped pull: lock all the doors and the snipe hunt. Katie was furious about the snipe hunt. She doesn't like to be fooled.
We watched Chrissa: An American Girl. We got a little to into the movie. It was about a girl who was being bullied and we were shouting at her and insisting we were about to go into the movie and kill Tara. A mob of 30 teenage girls against one fourth grader. right.
We also had a warline of cows against us, and found 10 bones in the river. We named the bones: Don, Neck, Tie, Can, Stan, Bone Buddy, Butt, Kick, Blade, ...and another I can't seem to remember. we told my sister we put them in her sleeping bag and she freaked. She's such a prep. There's probably other stuff, but I can't think of it now.
My cousin's farewell was today. he said he didn't think this many people would be there (3 missionaries at once) then quoted a scripture from king benjamin about how there were so many people they couldn't here and said deacons would be copying down anything worthwhile for people at the back to read. sure no one thought there'd be that many, which is why you had the scripture ready, right?
My sister just threw a tape measure at me because I didn't want her reading over my shoulder. she's just charming, isn't she? now my arm hurts.

Thought: We're probably the only state where being a mother is not only a perfectly acceptable carreer option, but practically a No Duh thing, you know?

Review: Mall Cop. So stinking funny. "We don't have an oath." "I sort of made up my own. it's on a plaque in my room."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I need to post already cuz I'm a slacker

Journal: Well, school's out. that's cool. I hope everyone is having a great summer so far. I set up a website. *smile* it was fun. The thing with not posting is when I get on I have nothing to say. You'd think it would make me have more to say, but it doesn't. I just don't put any details about anything. I need to change that.

Thought: *static buzzing in my brain*

Review: We watched X-men on monday. I thought it was awesome. Storm's line was kind of anti-climactic, though. "do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning? The same thing that happens to everything else." He's got to be thinking: seriously? that's the line I'm gong out on?

This post was way short. Deal.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The man in the lavender suit

Journal: We finished our science end of levels. I have to do my Math and Biology end of levels this week (I have two science classes.) I also have my spanish and computer tech tests, I don't know when they are. I have two and a half weeks left of school. Nyah!
I tried out for the talent show, but I didn't make it. I'm kinda sad, but not really. I think my tryout was the worst I've ever played that song. If that was me panicking because one person was listening, what would I have done in front of my whole school. Also, I practiced to much. If I do something too many times, I can't do it right, don't know why, I'm just weird like that.

Thought: English is such a stupid language! seriously: i before e, except after c or when sounding like as in neighbor or weigh. And on weekends, and holidays, and throughout may, and you'll always be wrong, no matter what you say! It's all the fault of the man in the lavender suit! seriously, though, I think some words are designed purely to make fun of what they describe. lisp? seriously? "I have a really bad lithp." are you trying to torment whoever has it? and isn't attention deficit hyper disorder a bit of a long name for a condition that makes it so you can't focus? and how about abbreviate? why do we use such a long word to mean making words shorter?! About the lavender suit thing: in grade 6 someone asked the teacher why english was so confusing. He said "there's a man in a lvaender suit, who lives in a lime green room who makes up all these stupid rules for english and then breaks them." about half the class bought it, too. We should totally try to spread that just to see how far it gets.

Review: Tennis Shoes series. It is awesome! It's about Some people who find this cave that transports them back to nephite times (for those who don't know what that is, it's from the book of mormon. My religion). Later they find another cave that transports them to biblical times. There's some scripture stuff, but a lot of it is really just action and adventure.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Random stuff!

Journal: Okay, I have to post already. I still haven't even done science Olympiad yet, sheesh, slacker. Now that I'm done yelling at myself:
This week was awesomely hectic. We started end of level testing in Language arts and I missed the second half because of the language fair. It stinks, especially since I could've finished it all on the first day if he would've just let me. *growls in annoyance*
I'm trying out for color guard. It's fun, but it's kind of hard. Not that bad, though. It is early. I wonder what I'm getting myself into. If I get into everything I want, I'll be waking up by 5 a.m., going to color guard practice for an hour and a half, going to school with college classes half the day and 2 language classes, seminary, and color guard as my high school classes, I would also have to take health online, something I started doing last summer by accident and hated until I figured out how to drop it. Afterwards I'm going to play tennis until five then go home and have two hours of homework. At least tennis is only for the first few months, but still I want to do science Olympiad again next year. I guess I like hectic, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

I jammed my finger on Wednesday at lunch. I backed up into two stacked chairs, and automatically tried to catch the top one when it fell. I still can't quite bend it all the way, but as of this morning I can finally play guitar again.

Language Fair Was this week. It was awesomely fun. I was rooming with Keena. Another girl too, but I don't think she said a word the whole time. My language bowl team got first. Keena's got out in round one. We promised we'd "avenge them", though. Our school won sweepstakes. After the competitions we went to Espanolandia. It's a pretend spanish-speaking country. I bought a fan and un burrito, I also bought some cake that I still can't decide if I liked or not, and a really tasty fruit drink. Everything was really cheap, because when you exchanged money ten cents equaled one "peso". On the bus ride home I got more blackmail pictures of tyler. He got stuck between two of the seats on the bus. three times. I sound like a stalker or something, but he's my best friends twin brother. I have almost as many rights to annoy him as if he was my brother. My mom also decided I need to learn how to flirt because two boys came up to us in the mall and said "you're hot." and i said to Kylea "I swear, if they say one more word, I'm gonna kick them."

I'm about ready to murder my sister. She's singing really obnoxiously and screechily in my ear. *growls again*

I should probably do science olympiad, too. It was forever ago and I still haven't posted on it. On the first day we drove up. They figured out a way to make me not hyper on the bus ride. they gave me Matt's ipod. I listened to it the entire 6 hour bus ride. Afterwards "my ears hurt." sam:"I'm not surprised. I could hear that music from over hear." "no , not like that. Like I've just had earbuds in my ears for six hours!" I still hadn't even got past the "S's" and I was only listening to the bands I recognized! he had eleven thousand songs on there!
I'm kind of annoyed with one of the girls I was rooming with. I dumped my stuff on one of the beds during the afternoon so I'd have a place to put it, and apparently she decided I was trying to do something or other, I don't remember. She got kinda freaked out cuz she was a senior and she didn't like that a freshman was doing this. Then she didn't even talk to me about it. She told Toshi who asked me about it in front of everyone and made me seem like a freak. We found out that night that Mr. Dickson was signing Me and another girl up for an event last minute.
I placed second in two events, bio-process, and enviro chem. I'm using this as proof that studying is bad for you because enviro chem is the one I found out I was doing the night before, and I hadn't studied much for bio-process because we got third so easy last year. Funny dialogue from Bio-process: Picks up tool and reads question "what is this called?" Jess: It's a ...child-beater. Me: just put that, we have no idea. Jess: they'd wonder about us.
It did have a really pointy part. also, there was a question that said 'how many meter sticks would it take to equal this measuring tape?' it said how long the measuring tape was outside. We looked over after we'd don that question to see two boys pulling out the measuring tape and using the measuring tape to measure it. We started laughing behind our hands I'm all "okay, no matter how badly we do, at least we're not them."
From Enviro chem: The question said "One of these samples came from my garden. Which one and why?" Me: sniffs all the samples. gets a ton of sample 3 up my nose. "I think sample 3 smells the most like garden soil." our answer: sample 3 because it smells like it. We also couldn't use the pH paper right because we realized after that all of the paper that had been exposed to the soil was now covered in mud. not sure how you're supposed to work that one out.
I also got third in pentathlon and random other places for my other events. It was fun. I ended up with 400 dollar scholarship to weber (plus 100 from last year) and 200 for u of u. Then I listened to Matt's ipod for a lot of the way home, and participated for about 2 questions in the "United nations of the back of the bus". I'm going to have to post up the 10 commandments of science olympiad later. Toshi wrote them afterward. I also took some really weird photo booth pictures with two of my friends just for the heck of it.
I'm skipping thought because journal is so long.

Review: Seven Pounds was a stupid movie. It was an okay story, but they didn't do so great on putting it onscreen. I still don't really get the title, either.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Journal: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, *breathes hard* excited. I was just doing my rubic's cube to try and calm down. I can almost finish, but i can't remember the last few steps. Anyway, back on topic. I'm really really REALLY excited because, wait for it, drum roll, okay I'm done beuing idiotic for the moment, SUCCESS ACADEMY JUST CALLED AND APPARENTLY AT LEAST 7 PEOPLE HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS SO NOW I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!! *breathes hard again because I was screaming and I did that in one breath*
I'm sosososososo happy!
Also, I was called as Mia Maid President yesterday, nyah! I hope I do good.

Thought: There's two kinds of genius. The one that's the most necessary, in my opinion, anyway, is the one we fail to recognize. There's the type of genius who can just think of ideas of how to make something work, and the kind where you can look at the thing that's working and immediately see how it works. Like in small world (okay, I've kind of got disneyland ont he brain) there's the magic carpets flying, right? I can look up at it and immediately see how it works and in my head I'm thinking stuff like, that's so simple, why didn't I think of that. My brain just comprehends things so I get really good grades in school. When I said to my mom, "that's so cool, who came up with that?" she replied, "probably someone who failed schol because they were thinking of how to make magic carpets fly." It's so true! a lot of times the very smartest people fail because we insist they're wrong, or we can't understand they're logic. Einstein flunked out of school but he was a genius. I think the creating genius is much more vital to society. Any idiot can learn how something works, or what someone thinks if they studay enough, the other genius can do it faster but even without them society would still function, but what about the people who come up with the new ideas, rather than just learning about the old? they're completely underappreciated because they won't just nod and say "oh, of course this is true." like everyone else, but where would we be if no one had thought up these ideas in the first place and we all just learned what was already known? still living in caves, without knowing anything.

Review: I finished Death Note. I guess I should admit that it was totally awesome. It was really smart, but I'm still ticked that they killed L, the best character, halfway throught the book. Yes, I know that's a major spoiler for anyone who hasn't read that part, but too bad. that basically ruined the book for me. I knew he was going to die, but I didn't think they'd kill the best character mid-story! even if it did help the plot a little, come ON, people! L was what I loved most about the books and you killed him halfway!
seriously, though, it was really good. don't let my annoyed review, which has turned into more of a rant, stop you from reading it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Journal: Yes, I went to Disneyland this week. It rocked. We're doing the pin trading thing. I started with Mickey and Peter and ended up with Stitch and a chibi-looking Mulan. My sister didn't think it was Mulan but I'm all "how many other chinese-looking disney characters arte there with crickets?" she hadn't noticed the cricket apparently. Last time we went I got a totally awesome pin. It was a horse pulling a little trolly thing with mickey, minnie, donald, and someone else. I think it was pluto.
We did the Lip Sync contest on Friday. We did "I'll make a man out of you". It was so fun. Especially since it was all girls. The football players did 'ain't no mountain high enough' did you know they actually sing that while they run? they practice next to the tennis courts so I know, anyway, I thought it was funny because we're the two funny ones and it's the most poopular and the most geeky. The football players can get away with anything because they're popular no matter what and we can get away with anything because we don't want to be popular. They're gonna post the winners next week. I don' actually care, I know the timing was slightly off, but only 3 teachers can actually see our lips anyway. we had the coolest coreaography by far.

Thought: I don't even remember what I was gonna put for this. It was good too! dang it. I'll add this in when I think of something.

Review: I'm so tempted to do Death Note, because that is my current obsession, but I'll wait until I've finished it. Instead, I'm gonna do Harry Potter. The books, the movies do not even deserve my attention. To quote my cousin "the books were written by smart J. K. Rowling. the movies were made by idiots." I loved the Hqarry Potter books. that's what really got me started reading. In second grade I was named 'the queen of harry potter' because I was so obsessive. I even had a Harry Potter birthday party, and I remembered most of the books. I even got bored once and decided to memorize the books. that didn't last long, but it kept me entertained awhile. I don't really like that she made dumble dore gay, though. that was weird.
I remember when I finished the 6th book, my mom was still reading it. My uncle came over and was making me crazy. "oh, yeah, Malfoy dies in the 6th book." I ended up blurting out "No he doesn't. dumbledore does." my mother was not happy.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Guys & Girls

Journal: Okay, I probably should've done this a while ago. I didn't, though. My journal entries are always crappy and short when I don't do them for long enough. That seems kind of opposite what it should be, but in reality they get shorter since I'm only doing the most interesting things. On Tuesday of last week I went to speak the FFA creed. It was actually quite fun. I missed one point on one of the questions. That means I didn't go on, but I got next place. They take the top two, but don't say first or second, so Gust said I could count it as having gotten second in region on my transcript. Cool, but whatever.
Jake can't come to science Olympiad anymore. Yes! He. Drives. Me. CRAZY! He doesn't even seem to realize it. I keep saying things like: (after he touches something) "you're gonna have to burn it now." or (today when he tried to grab a sandwich (don't ask)) "You're still gonna eat that?!" also today, him:"are you gonna eat that." me: "no, it tastes off. probably poisoned or something. You can have it if you want."

Thought: Why do guys do what they do to impress girls? Girls probably do weird stuff too, but it's not as weird to me because I am a girl. but it's so funny, when a guys trying to act all tough in an attempt to impress a girl. Most girls don't like that. Most girls would rather be with soemone who's nice and sweet and who they, as extremely emotional creatures, can understand. Also, and I know this is kind of random and dumb, cologne. Only guys like the scent, it pretty much repels girls, but they wear it to try and attract them? I guess perfume is a bit flowery to be attracting guys, but...
maybe we sould switch odors or something. hehe.'
Also, it makes me crazy when people try to insist guys and girls really are the same. they're not. first of all there's the differences listed above of guys trying to be tough and girls being more sweet. I suppose some people could say it's a society thing, but I doubt it. There's other things as well, like what my biology teacher was saying (he's also the psychology teacher, so there.) but I'd rather not use that example because it's...awkward.

Review: Maximum Ride. The first three books were AWESOME! The fourth book was completely dumb. I only kept reading because it was kind of funny. The whole book was global warming. Seriously,t hat was almost the whole plot:global warming. At one point they were captured, but they didn't even have any kind of fight or anything! The bad guys were defeated by a hurricane caused by, you guessed it, global warming. now that I think about it, you'd think they'd like global warming more, seeing how it helped them escape.
Anyway, it's about a group of genetically engineered kids called 'the flock.' They can all fly and have other various powers. the main character and two others started as being 14, and apparently they still are, but I doubt the books have taken only a year, when you think about all that happened. they certainly took longer than that if you look at fang's blog. Please don't let my crappy review of the books discourage you from reading them. the first three are wicked awesome, the fourth is okay, jsut not nearly so good as I was expecting.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Parental Advice

Journal: We found the third bunny today! apparently, our neighbors saw it and were keeping it.
I also went to see nira today. My mom made me ride my bike.
I went skiing. well, technically I went snowboarding, but we always call it skiing, not sure why. My uncle came and took us on a black diamond! it actually wasn't that hard.

Thought: Have you ever noticed how little sense some parental logic makes? I'm going to use the 'If all your friends jumped off a bridge' one as an example.
example a:
child: mom, can I go to a movie?
mom: no.
child: please? all my friends are going.
mom: if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
child: No, but I don't want to jump off a bridge. I want to go to a movie.
example b:
mom: listen to your teacher/parents/fill in the blank with random adult.
child: if they tell me to ump off a bridge, should I?

I know the second one was lame, but why must we listen to everything an adult tells us, but not let our friends influence us. adults can be wrong too. (also, here's a link to a joke about parental advice. I thought it was pretty funny.)

review: I'll do this later, my mom's kicking me off.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Journal: I took the CPT to see if I could get into Success Academy (that's where you only take half the day at high school, and the other half you take at the college). I want more challenging classes because everything is way easy for me. I never study, and I usually get the top scores in the class. The problem is: I never study. If it starts out being to difficult there's no way i can keep up, but if it gets more difficult later I can make myself study. I decided that I'd take the test without studying to see. They encourage you to study. My results: I'm in the drawing. I'm about average in math and way ahead in English. This is against people who've mostly been studying, and taking about half the time it normally takes. The math I'm pretty sure I missed two questions, just 'cause i didn't have aclue how to do them. I figured I had a 25% chance of getting it right so I just guessed. I'm gonna have to ask my teacher how to do them.
Also, I got a new winter coat. It looks cool.
My last piece of very good news is: I got off writer's block on Sunday. I've had it for moths. I don't mean the kind where you don't know how to finish a story, i mean the kind where youve kind of got good ideas, but can't figure out how to actually make anything work. Anything. I've only been writing wtories with others, and even that not very well.

Thought: What makes things popular? A lost of 'popular' people are really jerks everyone hates. or airheads everyone lieks to laugh at. But they're still considered 'popular'. Or people who watch anime, anime seems to be a hugley popular thing lately, but a lot of people who watch it consider themselves geeks ornerds for doing so. Why is that?

Review: Prince Caspian (movie) We watched it on Saturday. It was way good. Something about the griffins' wings looked off to me. I loved when the Telmarines were retreating, Lucy stands there. They're trapped between an entire army, and a litltle girl and they freeze. i don't know about you, but I'd take the little girl. I loved susan's armor, it was awesome. I've got to get myself some. Most of the sets and costumes were very elegant and beautifyl. I liked the movie. It was pretty funny too.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I skipped seminary today

Journal: Yes, it's true. I skipped. i didn't ditch, though. I swear. I went down to work on the FFA creed just as the bell rang (we have short days this week.). Gust told me to stay and he'd write a note. we ended up spending the entire period! For part of it we just sat there screaming. my biggest problem is I talk to quiet.
I also got 10th grade registration. I have to turn it in by tomorrow. They did it while I was on my trip, and for some reason no one thought to tell me. *sigh*
Thought: i can't remember! i had a really good one too! now I'm annoyed. i'm going to turn my thought into a rant today.
Why do we have to take certain classes to graduate? why can't it just be 'get certain grades'? For one thing, some people just aren't good at academics. let them take mostly shop classes or something. we do them an injustice by making them take academic ones, it just means they have to do lots of work after high school. and what about P.E.? Okay, fine. I'll take three P.E. classes, but why do they have to be certain ones? why can't I take an aerobics class where I'll actually work out, rather than a different class that's required, where only two people actually have a good time and work out, while everyone else stands around bored because they dislike the game and/or no one will pass them anything because the one time they had the ball they panicked and ran the wrong way. (yes, this is a personal experience.)
Review: Pendragon is awesome! It was funny, because about half the reviews by readers said something like "forget wands and rings. Pendragon all the way!" My favorite was "I'm pretty sure I know longer have nails, because I was constantly biting them during the fourth book." It's really good. It's about A kid (bobby pendragon) who finds out he's a 'traveller' it means he can go to other territories, basically worlds, and he has to try to make sure they don't get destroyed by an evil demon named Saint Dane. If enough of the territories fall, all of Halla (every time and place that ever was) will crumble. i'm on the Pilgrims of Rayne right now.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Making myself post already

Journal: I'm really not in the mood to post and I don't know why. this might be short.
I spent the night at my cousins last night. It's the first day of the session today, so my mom was up with my dad. The cousin's new hamster is so cute! We've officially had the rabbits for a week.

Thought: people who swear think they're being cool, but they're really just showing the world that they can't think of better words, that they're idiots. Further proof of this is the fact that swear words are really just bad grammar. For example: hell is the name of a place. You never hear someone say 'What the America are you doing." If someone did say that everyone would think they were dumb, why is it different when you use the name of this particular place? I wish I could take credit for this one, but a genius girl from my Seminary class told it to us. Apparently it was a conversation with her mom.

Review: The midnighters. I just finished rereading the first book. I forgot how good it was! It's about this group of kids who were born at the exact moment of midnight. Because of this, they can exist in a whole different world from everyone else, for one hour each day. It started out, there were 25 hours in a day, but soem creatures were being hunted by humans, so they took an hour, and compressed it to aninstant, midnight. only those born in that instant can exist in this midnight hour. They all have special powers too. it's really cool.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boys Are Idiots! Well... not all of them...

Journal: I think I might murder some of the people in my computer class. They got put in my group and spent the whole time bossing me around, and we didn't even get anything done! I finally just sat down slightly apart and wrote the whole report, because I don't want to fail. Ade thinks i should just let them fail, and fail with them but...
I still hurt from yoga. i took a warm bath and I'm better.
I also let one of my new rabbits get away! it hopped back for its sib, though. I put it in the cage quickly. It was freaky!

Random thought: I swear I had one... what was it? I'll come back to that.

Review: Found, book one of the missing, by Haddix, was awesome. so stinking good! just finished it.

Armageddon Day

Journal: I didn't have time to do it yesterday because I was doing homework that I just found out isn't due until Friday. I hurt everywhere from doing yoga with my mom. Also, acting shy is almost completely impossible. I'll try again tomorrow but... no one's asked me about my flashlight yet. maybe we should've picked a different prop. The school compy is annoying me.

Random Thoughts: Everyone is so panicked about 2012 because a bunch of calendars end then. If it isn't actually the apocalypse (I doubt it is) we should so get a bunch of calendars to end on another random date to scare future generations. Or we could use my dad's suggestion of marking a random date on a lot of calendars as 'Armageddon day' or something like that. I have an odd sense of humor, I know.

Review: Dark Knight is frickin awesome! I didn't actually watch the first ones... I probably should. My parents thought I'd be scared and I really wasn't but it was good. Gordon's (that was his name right?) kid is going to be Robin, I know it. (no, that was not my theory.)

harvey: you're a lucky man *flips coin* but he's not.
other guy: who?
harvey: *buckling up* the driver.
(the man is killed as well as the driver, but harvey miraculously survives)
remember folks, seat belts save lives.
harvey: I'm two-face, and I approve this message.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Intro: I am hoping my mom will let me use this instead of having to write in my journal. I'm going to do 3 sections every time I post (hopefully): 1)journal 2)random thoughts 3)review. this one has intro as a fourth section cause I feel like doing an intro. Journal is whatever happened to me recently and random thoughts is whatever thought is bouncing around in my brain review is a quick review on a book I've read recently, or a movie I've seen or something of that sort..

Journal: My parents just got home from Mexico on Saturday night.
I finally finished my science fair thing. I was doing my experiment on if plants can use different forms of energy.
I went to try yoga with my mom this morning. It was actually really fun. I found out that I'm pretty flexible but I have no core strength. I was getting beat by a bunch of old ladies!
My little sister got rabbits today. We have two of them and we're having a two week 'probation period' to see if we can be responsible with them. I hope we actually get to keep these pets. I'm happy we're actually getting a pet (my mom hates animals) but I'm slightly annoyed because my sister is going to say they're hers and hers alone, especially if she's mad at me. Also, I kept trying to persuade my mom to let me get a pet and she said no, but when my sis asks it's a yes? Some of the times I was trying to get a pet it was actually for school! What the heck?!
Also, we went to try to find books. We read a lot of them, but they're either library or they're so good we want to share them so we give them away. One of my mom's resolutions is to build our library so we went book shopping.

Random Thought: What is magic? Magic is something that is currently unproven by science. what is the difference between a magical creature and a non magical creature? You could say it's abilities, but many 'normal' creatures have abilities that others don't. A bat or bird can fly, but they're not magic. Why is a unicorn magic? It's a horse with a horn on its head. Yes, the horn has the ability to detect and neutralize poison, but why can't it just have some kind of odd chemical in it?
How do we know that 'magicians' a long time ago weren't merely scientists far ahead of their time? How do we know that 'magical creatures' aren't merely creatures that went extinct a long time ago?

Review: I guess I'll do Horton Hears a Who. My family watched it last night. I cant really think of anything to say about it, though. I did love the part where he's all "Oh, hey Vlad." and it's the rabbit. I also loved "I am light as a feather." (a feather falls and the plank collapses). Jojo was awesome, but they made him way more major than he was in the book and it kinda bugs me. And wasn't it some scientist and not the mayor who was talking to Horton?