Sunday, November 15, 2009

Forensics Freaks

journal: I had my second debate tournament. It was fun, but I feel like i didn't do great. I got sixth place in one of my events, but it's really more that I think I did better in my first tournament than this one. I felt kind of scatterbrained all weekend, but I had some really fun and random conversations with the others on the team. we came up with a name for ourselves(see title) because the other class/clubs have names (e.g. band geeks, orcha-dorks) and we wanted a name too. We keep saying we should do a debate class party and my house has officially been nominated because one of the varsity people stayed at my house and saw the pool we're building (oh yeah, we're building a pool. How cool is that?) and the big screen TV downstairs (and my "hidden fridge.")


  1. Sorry I haven't checked in a while. Because I don't really use blogger much any more, I don't check it a lot. But I will try to glance over more often. Wait, what's with the hidden fridge thing? Yes, your house is awesome. But it feels more formal to me than home like. Of course, my room looks almost literally like a tornado blew through it, so maybe that's a good thing.

  2. our hidden fridge is the fact that the same wood that makes the cupboards is on the fridge door.
