Monday, March 23, 2009


Journal: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, *breathes hard* excited. I was just doing my rubic's cube to try and calm down. I can almost finish, but i can't remember the last few steps. Anyway, back on topic. I'm really really REALLY excited because, wait for it, drum roll, okay I'm done beuing idiotic for the moment, SUCCESS ACADEMY JUST CALLED AND APPARENTLY AT LEAST 7 PEOPLE HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS SO NOW I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!! *breathes hard again because I was screaming and I did that in one breath*
I'm sosososososo happy!
Also, I was called as Mia Maid President yesterday, nyah! I hope I do good.

Thought: There's two kinds of genius. The one that's the most necessary, in my opinion, anyway, is the one we fail to recognize. There's the type of genius who can just think of ideas of how to make something work, and the kind where you can look at the thing that's working and immediately see how it works. Like in small world (okay, I've kind of got disneyland ont he brain) there's the magic carpets flying, right? I can look up at it and immediately see how it works and in my head I'm thinking stuff like, that's so simple, why didn't I think of that. My brain just comprehends things so I get really good grades in school. When I said to my mom, "that's so cool, who came up with that?" she replied, "probably someone who failed schol because they were thinking of how to make magic carpets fly." It's so true! a lot of times the very smartest people fail because we insist they're wrong, or we can't understand they're logic. Einstein flunked out of school but he was a genius. I think the creating genius is much more vital to society. Any idiot can learn how something works, or what someone thinks if they studay enough, the other genius can do it faster but even without them society would still function, but what about the people who come up with the new ideas, rather than just learning about the old? they're completely underappreciated because they won't just nod and say "oh, of course this is true." like everyone else, but where would we be if no one had thought up these ideas in the first place and we all just learned what was already known? still living in caves, without knowing anything.

Review: I finished Death Note. I guess I should admit that it was totally awesome. It was really smart, but I'm still ticked that they killed L, the best character, halfway throught the book. Yes, I know that's a major spoiler for anyone who hasn't read that part, but too bad. that basically ruined the book for me. I knew he was going to die, but I didn't think they'd kill the best character mid-story! even if it did help the plot a little, come ON, people! L was what I loved most about the books and you killed him halfway!
seriously, though, it was really good. don't let my annoyed review, which has turned into more of a rant, stop you from reading it.


  1. THAT IS SOOOO COOL ROSE! I am glad you got in! (I forgot what the program was again, but you are happy, so YAY! :)))))))))

    I completely agree about the genius thing. I feel like that sometimes. Whenever I am in a group project I say, "Let's do such and such." And they say, "That's dumb, we are going to do it this way." It's always something the teacher suggested or something. It is so annoying. Plus, society seems to think that if you aren't exactly like them you are dumb, or that if you think of new ideas you are a threat. Tell that to the guy who made toilet paper.

    I refuse to read Death Note. 1) I give up on manga.

  2. HellO!
    I love your blog!
    Check mine out!

  3. lol! why'd you give up on manga. SUCCESS academy was the college in the morning/afternoon, high school the other half of the day thing. I should probably do a post on sci oly soon, but I'm slacking now.

  4. Check out my other blog (and please comment). lol

  5. OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! i am soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!
    lemmme know how it is asap!
    i wonder why 7 people dropped out if its this great?

    talking of genius's there is this program on telly on at the moment called genius its really good XD

    have you ever heard of the house of night books? by P.C. and Kirsten cast, there is so far three books called- marked, chosen and betrayed ive read the first 2 and well i want to know wht u have read\heard about them.

  6. 4 books. u forgot hunted. It's out now.

    and they dropped out because, while it's good, it's really hard.

  7. Huh. I gave up on most manga because a lot of it is crap... If you can find me a really good one, I'll read it. By that I mean epically good. ")

  8. death note is epically good. and alice academy is hilarious.

  9. Is hunted out yett?
    i soooooo need to buy it!! thanks x

    Well i know you will do fine with all the hard work and such!
    luv StAr

  10. Well, Alice Academy sounds funny, but I already know what happens in Death Note, which would irritate the crap out of me if I was reading it. *sigh* Maybe I'll go discover one you guys don't know about, and we can all get addicted and spazz over that one, or maybe I'll be too lazy.
