Thursday, April 2, 2009

Random stuff!

Journal: Okay, I have to post already. I still haven't even done science Olympiad yet, sheesh, slacker. Now that I'm done yelling at myself:
This week was awesomely hectic. We started end of level testing in Language arts and I missed the second half because of the language fair. It stinks, especially since I could've finished it all on the first day if he would've just let me. *growls in annoyance*
I'm trying out for color guard. It's fun, but it's kind of hard. Not that bad, though. It is early. I wonder what I'm getting myself into. If I get into everything I want, I'll be waking up by 5 a.m., going to color guard practice for an hour and a half, going to school with college classes half the day and 2 language classes, seminary, and color guard as my high school classes, I would also have to take health online, something I started doing last summer by accident and hated until I figured out how to drop it. Afterwards I'm going to play tennis until five then go home and have two hours of homework. At least tennis is only for the first few months, but still I want to do science Olympiad again next year. I guess I like hectic, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

I jammed my finger on Wednesday at lunch. I backed up into two stacked chairs, and automatically tried to catch the top one when it fell. I still can't quite bend it all the way, but as of this morning I can finally play guitar again.

Language Fair Was this week. It was awesomely fun. I was rooming with Keena. Another girl too, but I don't think she said a word the whole time. My language bowl team got first. Keena's got out in round one. We promised we'd "avenge them", though. Our school won sweepstakes. After the competitions we went to Espanolandia. It's a pretend spanish-speaking country. I bought a fan and un burrito, I also bought some cake that I still can't decide if I liked or not, and a really tasty fruit drink. Everything was really cheap, because when you exchanged money ten cents equaled one "peso". On the bus ride home I got more blackmail pictures of tyler. He got stuck between two of the seats on the bus. three times. I sound like a stalker or something, but he's my best friends twin brother. I have almost as many rights to annoy him as if he was my brother. My mom also decided I need to learn how to flirt because two boys came up to us in the mall and said "you're hot." and i said to Kylea "I swear, if they say one more word, I'm gonna kick them."

I'm about ready to murder my sister. She's singing really obnoxiously and screechily in my ear. *growls again*

I should probably do science olympiad, too. It was forever ago and I still haven't posted on it. On the first day we drove up. They figured out a way to make me not hyper on the bus ride. they gave me Matt's ipod. I listened to it the entire 6 hour bus ride. Afterwards "my ears hurt." sam:"I'm not surprised. I could hear that music from over hear." "no , not like that. Like I've just had earbuds in my ears for six hours!" I still hadn't even got past the "S's" and I was only listening to the bands I recognized! he had eleven thousand songs on there!
I'm kind of annoyed with one of the girls I was rooming with. I dumped my stuff on one of the beds during the afternoon so I'd have a place to put it, and apparently she decided I was trying to do something or other, I don't remember. She got kinda freaked out cuz she was a senior and she didn't like that a freshman was doing this. Then she didn't even talk to me about it. She told Toshi who asked me about it in front of everyone and made me seem like a freak. We found out that night that Mr. Dickson was signing Me and another girl up for an event last minute.
I placed second in two events, bio-process, and enviro chem. I'm using this as proof that studying is bad for you because enviro chem is the one I found out I was doing the night before, and I hadn't studied much for bio-process because we got third so easy last year. Funny dialogue from Bio-process: Picks up tool and reads question "what is this called?" Jess: It's a ...child-beater. Me: just put that, we have no idea. Jess: they'd wonder about us.
It did have a really pointy part. also, there was a question that said 'how many meter sticks would it take to equal this measuring tape?' it said how long the measuring tape was outside. We looked over after we'd don that question to see two boys pulling out the measuring tape and using the measuring tape to measure it. We started laughing behind our hands I'm all "okay, no matter how badly we do, at least we're not them."
From Enviro chem: The question said "One of these samples came from my garden. Which one and why?" Me: sniffs all the samples. gets a ton of sample 3 up my nose. "I think sample 3 smells the most like garden soil." our answer: sample 3 because it smells like it. We also couldn't use the pH paper right because we realized after that all of the paper that had been exposed to the soil was now covered in mud. not sure how you're supposed to work that one out.
I also got third in pentathlon and random other places for my other events. It was fun. I ended up with 400 dollar scholarship to weber (plus 100 from last year) and 200 for u of u. Then I listened to Matt's ipod for a lot of the way home, and participated for about 2 questions in the "United nations of the back of the bus". I'm going to have to post up the 10 commandments of science olympiad later. Toshi wrote them afterward. I also took some really weird photo booth pictures with two of my friends just for the heck of it.
I'm skipping thought because journal is so long.

Review: Seven Pounds was a stupid movie. It was an okay story, but they didn't do so great on putting it onscreen. I still don't really get the title, either.


  1. Hay,
    hectic weeks are always the bets for me,
    tell your finger to get all the way better for me ;) xx

    i saw seven pounds a while ago, it just depressed me and i was like "oh yerr, a GIANT jellyfish, awshum"
    ;) lol keep the posts cuminm
    love StAr xx

  2. 7 pounds? You mean like Thinner from Stephen King? (clueless)

  3. huh? I mean like the retarded movie with the jellyfish and everything.

  4. Haven't seen it. Sounds like you've been busy! I wish I was busy like that, but their aren't much opportunities except for being part of plays/productions at my school. *sigh* But even that isn't quite worth it when you have to sit and beg for rides. :(
    Instead of being busy with school work, I got busy with people. I think I prefer school work. Less drama. (In case you didn't know, I'm aspiring to be a physiologist, which is why I spend so much time with people.)
    Anyhow, we are hanging out next week! (I'm forcing you to come to my house on Saturday... I'll email you.)

  5. Who keeps a random jellyfish with them!
    ill tell u............NO-ONE
