Sunday, May 3, 2009

The man in the lavender suit

Journal: We finished our science end of levels. I have to do my Math and Biology end of levels this week (I have two science classes.) I also have my spanish and computer tech tests, I don't know when they are. I have two and a half weeks left of school. Nyah!
I tried out for the talent show, but I didn't make it. I'm kinda sad, but not really. I think my tryout was the worst I've ever played that song. If that was me panicking because one person was listening, what would I have done in front of my whole school. Also, I practiced to much. If I do something too many times, I can't do it right, don't know why, I'm just weird like that.

Thought: English is such a stupid language! seriously: i before e, except after c or when sounding like as in neighbor or weigh. And on weekends, and holidays, and throughout may, and you'll always be wrong, no matter what you say! It's all the fault of the man in the lavender suit! seriously, though, I think some words are designed purely to make fun of what they describe. lisp? seriously? "I have a really bad lithp." are you trying to torment whoever has it? and isn't attention deficit hyper disorder a bit of a long name for a condition that makes it so you can't focus? and how about abbreviate? why do we use such a long word to mean making words shorter?! About the lavender suit thing: in grade 6 someone asked the teacher why english was so confusing. He said "there's a man in a lvaender suit, who lives in a lime green room who makes up all these stupid rules for english and then breaks them." about half the class bought it, too. We should totally try to spread that just to see how far it gets.

Review: Tennis Shoes series. It is awesome! It's about Some people who find this cave that transports them back to nephite times (for those who don't know what that is, it's from the book of mormon. My religion). Later they find another cave that transports them to biblical times. There's some scripture stuff, but a lot of it is really just action and adventure.


  1. the english language is stupid, so is the french.
    u know a while ago i was talking to you about the "marked" series, well i officially hate the series, i hate most of the characters, and the only nice person in them, erik, is all screwed up. :(
    im still going to read hunted though.....
    miss u xx

  2. seriously. it's awful, but the plot is so good you have to keep reading!

  3. Kind of like fruits basket...

    I tried to read Tennis Shoes when I was younger, but I could never keep the characters straight. I'm just bad with names. Still. Every time I try to read it since, it's like I already know what's going to happen, like when you read something over and over again and never absorb what it says. :(

    English really is a stupid language, it's like one of the hardest language to learn on earth, and I'm being quite literal! Look it up! Xp Stupid english lessons! I wanna learn more Japanese!

  4. omg! were 2-days-apart Birthday buddies! whoo!

  5. I share my dad's birthday. how cool is that?
