Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boys Are Idiots! Well... not all of them...

Journal: I think I might murder some of the people in my computer class. They got put in my group and spent the whole time bossing me around, and we didn't even get anything done! I finally just sat down slightly apart and wrote the whole report, because I don't want to fail. Ade thinks i should just let them fail, and fail with them but...
I still hurt from yoga. i took a warm bath and I'm better.
I also let one of my new rabbits get away! it hopped back for its sib, though. I put it in the cage quickly. It was freaky!

Random thought: I swear I had one... what was it? I'll come back to that.

Review: Found, book one of the missing, by Haddix, was awesome. so stinking good! just finished it.


  1. i know what you mean in my art class the boys that sat near me were going- look i can make the blue paint go GREEN!"
    i was soooo amazed.not.
    i wish i could do yoga it sounds soooo relaxing.

    i have no idea what book your an about. soz.
    thanks x

  2. yoga is kinda relaxing. it kills after ward, though. I still hurt!

  3. i have a twisted ankle from where a girl tripped me in gym, so i share your pain X

  4. I just went again today. might not've been my smartest move, but how else will I get stronger?

  5. practise makes perfect XD

    groovemister- somthing or someone who is groovy.
    groovy as in cool and original
