Monday, January 26, 2009

Making myself post already

Journal: I'm really not in the mood to post and I don't know why. this might be short.
I spent the night at my cousins last night. It's the first day of the session today, so my mom was up with my dad. The cousin's new hamster is so cute! We've officially had the rabbits for a week.

Thought: people who swear think they're being cool, but they're really just showing the world that they can't think of better words, that they're idiots. Further proof of this is the fact that swear words are really just bad grammar. For example: hell is the name of a place. You never hear someone say 'What the America are you doing." If someone did say that everyone would think they were dumb, why is it different when you use the name of this particular place? I wish I could take credit for this one, but a genius girl from my Seminary class told it to us. Apparently it was a conversation with her mom.

Review: The midnighters. I just finished rereading the first book. I forgot how good it was! It's about this group of kids who were born at the exact moment of midnight. Because of this, they can exist in a whole different world from everyone else, for one hour each day. It started out, there were 25 hours in a day, but soem creatures were being hunted by humans, so they took an hour, and compressed it to aninstant, midnight. only those born in that instant can exist in this midnight hour. They all have special powers too. it's really cool.


  1. I toatally agree with the swearing thing, at my school some people think they swear everyone will think there dead daring and cool, when it just makes them look like fools.

    that book sounds cool, i love midnight, when u r like for a fraction of a second you are past the old day and not yet in the new.

    did that sound wierd?

    luv ya
    StAr x

  2. kinda weird, but I get it. it's true. people make such a big deal about new years but it's there and gone in a minute.

  3. yeah, i am having boy troubles.
    im gonna trust u with this- hes one of my best friends, and he dosnt like me that way, but i cant tell him how i feel coz he no way feels the same. sighhhhhhh
    luv star

  4. sad!
    I'm really bad w/ boys though, sorry. wish I could help. how do you know he doesn't feel the same, though?

  5. coz this little annoying person spread a ruhmor that we were goign out and when someone asked if he were, he VERY clearly described how he never would. :( x

  6. WHAT MANNER OF OFFENSE IS THIS?! your layout is the same as mine. I guess I can't do anything about it. Very well, carry on.

  7. can't you see we're having an actual conversation here? back off, nightmare freak, unless you've got something real to say. you can say funny stuff at times, but not during actual conversations! guys! how does rylie stand it?!
