Monday, June 8, 2009


Journal: I found out that my friend in my math class (Jessica) knows every person in my group except me. I guess she knows me now, but not before this class. The class is very fun, though. We can sit wherever we want and i sit next to her and she's very hyper and we just sit there and giggle the whole time about nonsense. Apparently she gets up at two in the morning everyday to watch inuyasha, but she couldn't think of the name until I said it, and she has no idea what it's about. I guess that's what you get for waking up at two in the morning every day. She was also one of the people who Robert used to stalk. I guess they're all friends or something. Toshi's the one who introduced me to Jessica, and I know Kena knows both of them. Jessica was one of her fellow orcha-dorks (Kena's word, not mine.) in seventh grade.

Thought: Isn't it weird how sometimes the exact same thing can have the total opposite effect on people? Like a rebellious song, let's say. Some people start thinking "this is totally my life" or something and it makes them rebellious and some people here this song it's just kind of "Hmm, interesting song." or maybe they sing along and that's just kind of the way they vent their feelings, then they go back to normal. Adults can say we're really the same, and we did start out that way, but we really aren't anymore.

Review: I started reading Artemis Fowl. I finished the first book. It was so good, but it kind of bugs me that his name is Artemis and he's a guy. Whatever. It was way good. It was kind of the same smart-people-battle-of-wits type thing I loved about death note. I hope the next ones are as good.


  1. I tried to read Artemis Fowl. Then the school year ended. I never finished. Haven't found it since.

    People take things differently. Your life experience makes you who you are, what has happened to you effects your thoughts, and so, when you hear the same song, it might mean something completely different to you in your head, while your neighbor, who hasn't lived, thinks it's just interesting or terrible or whatever. It's still cool though.

    Hey, if your in the same class as Toshi, tell her I said hi. Also tell her that if we don't all hang out this summer, I will smack her. Telepathically. It hurts worse for the smart people... (meaning Toshi)

  2. its good that people take things diffrently. i dunno why. it just is.
    Jessica sounds nice. :)
    bye xx

  3. she dropped out of the class. she might be in my class next year, though. she says she hopes not, though, for the good of the productive learning environment of all others involved. but with three of us, her, me, and Jessica, two of us will have to be in the same class. either I'll have half the day with her for the next couple years, or I won't see her at all.
