Wednesday, June 3, 2009

School is run by idiots for the 500th time.

I got my class schedule today. or what it would have been if I hadn't gotten into SUCCESS Academy. Thank goodness I did, that's all I'm saying. They got rid of Theatre and Spanish and turned my Honors World Civ class into normal World Civ. They replaced the two credits with Electronic Basic and Automotive Service Basic. okay, so two stupid vocational things, both of which have a class fee? seriously? You'd think they'd be able to figure out from my class choices to at least replace it with academic or art classes. Someone Selected my classes with eenie meanie miney moe, I swear. I also just noticed they turned my honors Biology class into regular biology, and my algebra 2 class into elementary algebra. They bumped my down two grades in math.


  1. i know what u mean! at my school we have a lesson called "learning to learn!" which is like..................................great :\

  2. okay, maybe in elementary school, but I don't think you're in elementary school.
