Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Journal: I'm sick today. so fun *note extreme sarcasm* I watched two movies so far, a bunch of tv shows, and now I'm on the compy. I also missed my math class. It's just a good thing the grade doesn't actually go on my transcript. I'd be doomed.
For FHE last night we went to the water park and went on a scavenger hunt for the statues nearby. it was fun.

Thought: Adults say we as teens are trying to figure out who we are. that's not quite true. I know exactly who I am. I'm hyper, dorkish, slightly obnoxious, stuff like that. What we're trying to figure out is who we're going to be, because while I know that's who I am, I know I won't always be like that.

Review: Blood and Chocolate (movie). It was okay, but not great. It was kinda confuzzling.


  1. hope u get well sooon xx

    i dont know who i am really, im diffrent with diffrent people, but when im truly myself i feel relaxed :)

    see blood and choclat and its okayy :|

    bii xx

  2. Blood and Chocolate is also a book. I haven't read it. Isn't it about vampires or something? Not my style.

    I agree with you Rose Mary, however, there is this point of non existence. Where everything you know gets lost to you, and you don't know who you are, or where you are going. This is necessary for finding out who you want to be. You become nothing, so you can forget what you where, and become something else.

    Get better soon!

  3. june ppl high five!!

    how old do u think i am??

  4. ...no idea.
    guess what? I finally got (mostly) better!

  5. cool. I probably would've guessed older than me.
