Friday, February 27, 2009

Guys & Girls

Journal: Okay, I probably should've done this a while ago. I didn't, though. My journal entries are always crappy and short when I don't do them for long enough. That seems kind of opposite what it should be, but in reality they get shorter since I'm only doing the most interesting things. On Tuesday of last week I went to speak the FFA creed. It was actually quite fun. I missed one point on one of the questions. That means I didn't go on, but I got next place. They take the top two, but don't say first or second, so Gust said I could count it as having gotten second in region on my transcript. Cool, but whatever.
Jake can't come to science Olympiad anymore. Yes! He. Drives. Me. CRAZY! He doesn't even seem to realize it. I keep saying things like: (after he touches something) "you're gonna have to burn it now." or (today when he tried to grab a sandwich (don't ask)) "You're still gonna eat that?!" also today, him:"are you gonna eat that." me: "no, it tastes off. probably poisoned or something. You can have it if you want."

Thought: Why do guys do what they do to impress girls? Girls probably do weird stuff too, but it's not as weird to me because I am a girl. but it's so funny, when a guys trying to act all tough in an attempt to impress a girl. Most girls don't like that. Most girls would rather be with soemone who's nice and sweet and who they, as extremely emotional creatures, can understand. Also, and I know this is kind of random and dumb, cologne. Only guys like the scent, it pretty much repels girls, but they wear it to try and attract them? I guess perfume is a bit flowery to be attracting guys, but...
maybe we sould switch odors or something. hehe.'
Also, it makes me crazy when people try to insist guys and girls really are the same. they're not. first of all there's the differences listed above of guys trying to be tough and girls being more sweet. I suppose some people could say it's a society thing, but I doubt it. There's other things as well, like what my biology teacher was saying (he's also the psychology teacher, so there.) but I'd rather not use that example because it's...awkward.

Review: Maximum Ride. The first three books were AWESOME! The fourth book was completely dumb. I only kept reading because it was kind of funny. The whole book was global warming. Seriously,t hat was almost the whole plot:global warming. At one point they were captured, but they didn't even have any kind of fight or anything! The bad guys were defeated by a hurricane caused by, you guessed it, global warming. now that I think about it, you'd think they'd like global warming more, seeing how it helped them escape.
Anyway, it's about a group of genetically engineered kids called 'the flock.' They can all fly and have other various powers. the main character and two others started as being 14, and apparently they still are, but I doubt the books have taken only a year, when you think about all that happened. they certainly took longer than that if you look at fang's blog. Please don't let my crappy review of the books discourage you from reading them. the first three are wicked awesome, the fourth is okay, jsut not nearly so good as I was expecting.


  1. You know, if you think about our lives, if all of that happened to our group it is very likely it could of only happened in a year. I actually like guy colone, though most don't. And a guy wore Japanese Blossom perfume the other day, and my friends won't forget it. They asked me if he smelt good in a note when I was sitting next to him. Akward! That's too bad you didn't make it into that thing. But you were close! That's good! Maybe that Jake guy thinks you like him for shunning him so much. You know how some people do that.

  2. i sooo agree with the maximun ride thing, also its like-
    fang likes max
    max likes fang but dosnt want to be with him
    fang is with ginger-girl
    max likes fang
    sam likes max
    max goes out with sam but she likes fang
    fang is with ginger-girl but is geelouse of max and sam
    and thats just the second book.

    guys do dodgy things to get girls to like them, and also they always seem to want what they carnt have. YAY! for jake not coming, but like Nira said he might think you like HIM!

    love and all that
    StAr x

  3. it didn't happen in a year if you read the blog.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The FFA. Sorry, I am not very clear in my comments. I tend to hop from subject to subject. ;p

  6. oh. okay. it's fine. really I was just doing it 'cause it was some scholarship. I can put 'second place' on my transcript, though. *grin*

    jake is back. he was being dense again, but I think he might get he's annoying now. I *might* have actually been ranting and complaining where he could hear. *guilty laugh* my bad.

  7. Oops.... that's not good...

  8. nevermind. apparently even that didn't get it through his thick skull.

  9. heyyahah XD

    glad his skull is so thick, lol

  10. yeah, but I almost wish he'd got the message, ya know?

  11. I have a shirt that says "careful or you'll end up in my novel." Robert's all "why would I be in your novel?"
    " You're the creepy stalker person who won't leave the main character alone."
    he didn't get it either.

  12. Sad. This is an all around sad story...

  13. what is?

    and I have not abandoned this blog. i've just become obsessed with death note. I'll be back when I finish the series. maybe sunday.

  14. hope to see you on sunday XD
    plleaassee dont abandon this blog, because its my fave X

    your t-shirt sounds awsoommeee, bye x
