Monday, February 16, 2009

Parental Advice

Journal: We found the third bunny today! apparently, our neighbors saw it and were keeping it.
I also went to see nira today. My mom made me ride my bike.
I went skiing. well, technically I went snowboarding, but we always call it skiing, not sure why. My uncle came and took us on a black diamond! it actually wasn't that hard.

Thought: Have you ever noticed how little sense some parental logic makes? I'm going to use the 'If all your friends jumped off a bridge' one as an example.
example a:
child: mom, can I go to a movie?
mom: no.
child: please? all my friends are going.
mom: if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
child: No, but I don't want to jump off a bridge. I want to go to a movie.
example b:
mom: listen to your teacher/parents/fill in the blank with random adult.
child: if they tell me to ump off a bridge, should I?

I know the second one was lame, but why must we listen to everything an adult tells us, but not let our friends influence us. adults can be wrong too. (also, here's a link to a joke about parental advice. I thought it was pretty funny.)

review: I'll do this later, my mom's kicking me off.


  1. That was a funny link. I liked the last one. Our friends influence us more than adults think. What they don't realize is, that if they don't give us a lot of time, and don't build a relationship, they won't have much influence over us. Think about it, who would you rather jump off of a cliff for if you just met your family or your friends?

    Yes, adults are often wrong.

  2. adults are verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry often wrong.

    i like the jokes and the ones on the link but, if no one listened to theire parents what wud the world be like today?
    we need parents\guardians but how much do we need them? a.lot. but not always. . . . .
    and somtimes the things they say are just mad.

  3. true, I'm not saying they're always wrong. i just think they sometimes are, and they need to realize this. it feels like they sometimes forget they're not the perfect people little kids think they are.

  4. Guardians! Yes you need us a lot! Sorry, random spazz. :)

    They like to think they are right, or pretend to so their kids don't have to worry or something. They realize they are flawed people, and that their kids have personalities, but what they don't realize is that they would have better relationships with us if they let us (or at least let us feel like) we make decisions on our own.

  5. my parents are usually pretty good about that. it's just kind of funny to me sometimes.
