Monday, February 9, 2009


Journal: I took the CPT to see if I could get into Success Academy (that's where you only take half the day at high school, and the other half you take at the college). I want more challenging classes because everything is way easy for me. I never study, and I usually get the top scores in the class. The problem is: I never study. If it starts out being to difficult there's no way i can keep up, but if it gets more difficult later I can make myself study. I decided that I'd take the test without studying to see. They encourage you to study. My results: I'm in the drawing. I'm about average in math and way ahead in English. This is against people who've mostly been studying, and taking about half the time it normally takes. The math I'm pretty sure I missed two questions, just 'cause i didn't have aclue how to do them. I figured I had a 25% chance of getting it right so I just guessed. I'm gonna have to ask my teacher how to do them.
Also, I got a new winter coat. It looks cool.
My last piece of very good news is: I got off writer's block on Sunday. I've had it for moths. I don't mean the kind where you don't know how to finish a story, i mean the kind where youve kind of got good ideas, but can't figure out how to actually make anything work. Anything. I've only been writing wtories with others, and even that not very well.

Thought: What makes things popular? A lost of 'popular' people are really jerks everyone hates. or airheads everyone lieks to laugh at. But they're still considered 'popular'. Or people who watch anime, anime seems to be a hugley popular thing lately, but a lot of people who watch it consider themselves geeks ornerds for doing so. Why is that?

Review: Prince Caspian (movie) We watched it on Saturday. It was way good. Something about the griffins' wings looked off to me. I loved when the Telmarines were retreating, Lucy stands there. They're trapped between an entire army, and a litltle girl and they freeze. i don't know about you, but I'd take the little girl. I loved susan's armor, it was awesome. I've got to get myself some. Most of the sets and costumes were very elegant and beautifyl. I liked the movie. It was pretty funny too.


  1. i am sooooo bad at maths so i cant help.
    at my school the so-called "popualr" have skirts up their bums and faces are caked in fondation.
    plus the super-skinny ness hepls.

    ive seen that film to, and i love all the dresses the girls wear, and the nice beach at the start :D nice and sunny

    bye x

  2. That is soooooo cool Rose! I hope you get in! Unless you don't want to, but by the post it seems like you do. I don't know entirely what the program is, but college is good. I know how you feel about the grades. I never study either, and I am always getting good grades. Maybe I should try for the program...?

    Popular is like a ripple effect. Like the chain e-mails, pretty soon everyone is sending them. It starts when you do one thing, and your friends start to copy you. Pretty soon, everyone is doing it. I hadn't really noticed that anime was becoming popular; I thought it was just moving into high school. Traditionally anime is a dork thing, it is right up there with Lord of the Rings, glasses, braces, and reading all of the time. Hmmmm, what a dork I must be. But, dorkiness is kind of 'in' right now. Notice everyone says, "I'm such a dork." When did that start? When we were in seventh grade? I take credit for helping start it. I have said it since I was about 11 or 12.

    I love Prince Caspian! Cool movie. I love the music.... :)

  3. I hope I get in too. it's too late to do the thing, though. unless you can go today. also, you'd have to go back to DH, but I think you were planning to do that anyway. It would be so cool if we both got in. we might get to spend half the day together.

    I do hope I get in.

    also, for me it was 6th grade when everyone was being dorky.
