Sunday, July 19, 2009

Two weeks is way to long.

Journal: Last week I hung out with my friends almost everyday. It was awesome. On thursday we went to the water park and I killed my phone. hehehe.
This week all of my cousins came over and we hung out until Thursday. I was about ready to kill someone by the end. I'm the oldest of my cousins who came and I'm not used to so many little kids. We went to the washington rec center on tuesday. As we were walking in I heard someone and thought "that sounds exactly like Tyler." (Tyler is tsuki's twin bro) I turned around and it was him. I didn't think tsuki was there, though because He was with some guy I didn't recognize. turns out we both just had all of our cousins there at the same time. We hung out practically the whole time. I was making fun of her pain. Her cousin also started making out with me. It was really weird. (for the record, he was two. I'll bet I gave Mac a heart attack with
When I went to the greenhouse on thursday, there was a huge group planting poinsettias. The teacher put me in charge of them, even though I had no clue we were doing this until that day. I was only supposed to be amnaging the south part of the greenhouse, but w/e.
I'm going to try to get my permit tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

Thought: It's just about impossible to put christian music to rap, unless you're trying to be goofy. It is, however, possible to pull of christian music with screamo parts.

Review: blood and chocolate (book). Okami's crazy. I didn't like it at all.


  1. hey :)
    haha lol, im one of the eldest of my cousins and they drive me crazy! but i love them :)
    but no two year old has ever madeout with me..........
    lol ;)
    have a great summer :D

  2. Yes. I've heard of Blood and Chocolate, and I don't think I will like it. It's not my type.

    Rose Mary, you are right, I did have a heart attack when you said that. How did you know? Tsuki already told me about it, but when you said it like that, it was a panic attack!

  3. Check out J-J-J. Pass it on.

  4. I really should post, but I'm not in the mood...maybe someday.

  5. You told me to check out your blog. But this is the only one you have, right? I mean the only one that's YOURS. You share the other ones...

  6. hey, rose.
    hows u been?
    sorry ive been a lousy friend.
    sorry :(
    bye :) xx
