Friday, February 27, 2009

Guys & Girls

Journal: Okay, I probably should've done this a while ago. I didn't, though. My journal entries are always crappy and short when I don't do them for long enough. That seems kind of opposite what it should be, but in reality they get shorter since I'm only doing the most interesting things. On Tuesday of last week I went to speak the FFA creed. It was actually quite fun. I missed one point on one of the questions. That means I didn't go on, but I got next place. They take the top two, but don't say first or second, so Gust said I could count it as having gotten second in region on my transcript. Cool, but whatever.
Jake can't come to science Olympiad anymore. Yes! He. Drives. Me. CRAZY! He doesn't even seem to realize it. I keep saying things like: (after he touches something) "you're gonna have to burn it now." or (today when he tried to grab a sandwich (don't ask)) "You're still gonna eat that?!" also today, him:"are you gonna eat that." me: "no, it tastes off. probably poisoned or something. You can have it if you want."

Thought: Why do guys do what they do to impress girls? Girls probably do weird stuff too, but it's not as weird to me because I am a girl. but it's so funny, when a guys trying to act all tough in an attempt to impress a girl. Most girls don't like that. Most girls would rather be with soemone who's nice and sweet and who they, as extremely emotional creatures, can understand. Also, and I know this is kind of random and dumb, cologne. Only guys like the scent, it pretty much repels girls, but they wear it to try and attract them? I guess perfume is a bit flowery to be attracting guys, but...
maybe we sould switch odors or something. hehe.'
Also, it makes me crazy when people try to insist guys and girls really are the same. they're not. first of all there's the differences listed above of guys trying to be tough and girls being more sweet. I suppose some people could say it's a society thing, but I doubt it. There's other things as well, like what my biology teacher was saying (he's also the psychology teacher, so there.) but I'd rather not use that example because it's...awkward.

Review: Maximum Ride. The first three books were AWESOME! The fourth book was completely dumb. I only kept reading because it was kind of funny. The whole book was global warming. Seriously,t hat was almost the whole plot:global warming. At one point they were captured, but they didn't even have any kind of fight or anything! The bad guys were defeated by a hurricane caused by, you guessed it, global warming. now that I think about it, you'd think they'd like global warming more, seeing how it helped them escape.
Anyway, it's about a group of genetically engineered kids called 'the flock.' They can all fly and have other various powers. the main character and two others started as being 14, and apparently they still are, but I doubt the books have taken only a year, when you think about all that happened. they certainly took longer than that if you look at fang's blog. Please don't let my crappy review of the books discourage you from reading them. the first three are wicked awesome, the fourth is okay, jsut not nearly so good as I was expecting.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Parental Advice

Journal: We found the third bunny today! apparently, our neighbors saw it and were keeping it.
I also went to see nira today. My mom made me ride my bike.
I went skiing. well, technically I went snowboarding, but we always call it skiing, not sure why. My uncle came and took us on a black diamond! it actually wasn't that hard.

Thought: Have you ever noticed how little sense some parental logic makes? I'm going to use the 'If all your friends jumped off a bridge' one as an example.
example a:
child: mom, can I go to a movie?
mom: no.
child: please? all my friends are going.
mom: if all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?
child: No, but I don't want to jump off a bridge. I want to go to a movie.
example b:
mom: listen to your teacher/parents/fill in the blank with random adult.
child: if they tell me to ump off a bridge, should I?

I know the second one was lame, but why must we listen to everything an adult tells us, but not let our friends influence us. adults can be wrong too. (also, here's a link to a joke about parental advice. I thought it was pretty funny.)

review: I'll do this later, my mom's kicking me off.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Journal: I took the CPT to see if I could get into Success Academy (that's where you only take half the day at high school, and the other half you take at the college). I want more challenging classes because everything is way easy for me. I never study, and I usually get the top scores in the class. The problem is: I never study. If it starts out being to difficult there's no way i can keep up, but if it gets more difficult later I can make myself study. I decided that I'd take the test without studying to see. They encourage you to study. My results: I'm in the drawing. I'm about average in math and way ahead in English. This is against people who've mostly been studying, and taking about half the time it normally takes. The math I'm pretty sure I missed two questions, just 'cause i didn't have aclue how to do them. I figured I had a 25% chance of getting it right so I just guessed. I'm gonna have to ask my teacher how to do them.
Also, I got a new winter coat. It looks cool.
My last piece of very good news is: I got off writer's block on Sunday. I've had it for moths. I don't mean the kind where you don't know how to finish a story, i mean the kind where youve kind of got good ideas, but can't figure out how to actually make anything work. Anything. I've only been writing wtories with others, and even that not very well.

Thought: What makes things popular? A lost of 'popular' people are really jerks everyone hates. or airheads everyone lieks to laugh at. But they're still considered 'popular'. Or people who watch anime, anime seems to be a hugley popular thing lately, but a lot of people who watch it consider themselves geeks ornerds for doing so. Why is that?

Review: Prince Caspian (movie) We watched it on Saturday. It was way good. Something about the griffins' wings looked off to me. I loved when the Telmarines were retreating, Lucy stands there. They're trapped between an entire army, and a litltle girl and they freeze. i don't know about you, but I'd take the little girl. I loved susan's armor, it was awesome. I've got to get myself some. Most of the sets and costumes were very elegant and beautifyl. I liked the movie. It was pretty funny too.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I skipped seminary today

Journal: Yes, it's true. I skipped. i didn't ditch, though. I swear. I went down to work on the FFA creed just as the bell rang (we have short days this week.). Gust told me to stay and he'd write a note. we ended up spending the entire period! For part of it we just sat there screaming. my biggest problem is I talk to quiet.
I also got 10th grade registration. I have to turn it in by tomorrow. They did it while I was on my trip, and for some reason no one thought to tell me. *sigh*
Thought: i can't remember! i had a really good one too! now I'm annoyed. i'm going to turn my thought into a rant today.
Why do we have to take certain classes to graduate? why can't it just be 'get certain grades'? For one thing, some people just aren't good at academics. let them take mostly shop classes or something. we do them an injustice by making them take academic ones, it just means they have to do lots of work after high school. and what about P.E.? Okay, fine. I'll take three P.E. classes, but why do they have to be certain ones? why can't I take an aerobics class where I'll actually work out, rather than a different class that's required, where only two people actually have a good time and work out, while everyone else stands around bored because they dislike the game and/or no one will pass them anything because the one time they had the ball they panicked and ran the wrong way. (yes, this is a personal experience.)
Review: Pendragon is awesome! It was funny, because about half the reviews by readers said something like "forget wands and rings. Pendragon all the way!" My favorite was "I'm pretty sure I know longer have nails, because I was constantly biting them during the fourth book." It's really good. It's about A kid (bobby pendragon) who finds out he's a 'traveller' it means he can go to other territories, basically worlds, and he has to try to make sure they don't get destroyed by an evil demon named Saint Dane. If enough of the territories fall, all of Halla (every time and place that ever was) will crumble. i'm on the Pilgrims of Rayne right now.