Monday, January 26, 2009

Making myself post already

Journal: I'm really not in the mood to post and I don't know why. this might be short.
I spent the night at my cousins last night. It's the first day of the session today, so my mom was up with my dad. The cousin's new hamster is so cute! We've officially had the rabbits for a week.

Thought: people who swear think they're being cool, but they're really just showing the world that they can't think of better words, that they're idiots. Further proof of this is the fact that swear words are really just bad grammar. For example: hell is the name of a place. You never hear someone say 'What the America are you doing." If someone did say that everyone would think they were dumb, why is it different when you use the name of this particular place? I wish I could take credit for this one, but a genius girl from my Seminary class told it to us. Apparently it was a conversation with her mom.

Review: The midnighters. I just finished rereading the first book. I forgot how good it was! It's about this group of kids who were born at the exact moment of midnight. Because of this, they can exist in a whole different world from everyone else, for one hour each day. It started out, there were 25 hours in a day, but soem creatures were being hunted by humans, so they took an hour, and compressed it to aninstant, midnight. only those born in that instant can exist in this midnight hour. They all have special powers too. it's really cool.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boys Are Idiots! Well... not all of them...

Journal: I think I might murder some of the people in my computer class. They got put in my group and spent the whole time bossing me around, and we didn't even get anything done! I finally just sat down slightly apart and wrote the whole report, because I don't want to fail. Ade thinks i should just let them fail, and fail with them but...
I still hurt from yoga. i took a warm bath and I'm better.
I also let one of my new rabbits get away! it hopped back for its sib, though. I put it in the cage quickly. It was freaky!

Random thought: I swear I had one... what was it? I'll come back to that.

Review: Found, book one of the missing, by Haddix, was awesome. so stinking good! just finished it.

Armageddon Day

Journal: I didn't have time to do it yesterday because I was doing homework that I just found out isn't due until Friday. I hurt everywhere from doing yoga with my mom. Also, acting shy is almost completely impossible. I'll try again tomorrow but... no one's asked me about my flashlight yet. maybe we should've picked a different prop. The school compy is annoying me.

Random Thoughts: Everyone is so panicked about 2012 because a bunch of calendars end then. If it isn't actually the apocalypse (I doubt it is) we should so get a bunch of calendars to end on another random date to scare future generations. Or we could use my dad's suggestion of marking a random date on a lot of calendars as 'Armageddon day' or something like that. I have an odd sense of humor, I know.

Review: Dark Knight is frickin awesome! I didn't actually watch the first ones... I probably should. My parents thought I'd be scared and I really wasn't but it was good. Gordon's (that was his name right?) kid is going to be Robin, I know it. (no, that was not my theory.)

harvey: you're a lucky man *flips coin* but he's not.
other guy: who?
harvey: *buckling up* the driver.
(the man is killed as well as the driver, but harvey miraculously survives)
remember folks, seat belts save lives.
harvey: I'm two-face, and I approve this message.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Intro: I am hoping my mom will let me use this instead of having to write in my journal. I'm going to do 3 sections every time I post (hopefully): 1)journal 2)random thoughts 3)review. this one has intro as a fourth section cause I feel like doing an intro. Journal is whatever happened to me recently and random thoughts is whatever thought is bouncing around in my brain review is a quick review on a book I've read recently, or a movie I've seen or something of that sort..

Journal: My parents just got home from Mexico on Saturday night.
I finally finished my science fair thing. I was doing my experiment on if plants can use different forms of energy.
I went to try yoga with my mom this morning. It was actually really fun. I found out that I'm pretty flexible but I have no core strength. I was getting beat by a bunch of old ladies!
My little sister got rabbits today. We have two of them and we're having a two week 'probation period' to see if we can be responsible with them. I hope we actually get to keep these pets. I'm happy we're actually getting a pet (my mom hates animals) but I'm slightly annoyed because my sister is going to say they're hers and hers alone, especially if she's mad at me. Also, I kept trying to persuade my mom to let me get a pet and she said no, but when my sis asks it's a yes? Some of the times I was trying to get a pet it was actually for school! What the heck?!
Also, we went to try to find books. We read a lot of them, but they're either library or they're so good we want to share them so we give them away. One of my mom's resolutions is to build our library so we went book shopping.

Random Thought: What is magic? Magic is something that is currently unproven by science. what is the difference between a magical creature and a non magical creature? You could say it's abilities, but many 'normal' creatures have abilities that others don't. A bat or bird can fly, but they're not magic. Why is a unicorn magic? It's a horse with a horn on its head. Yes, the horn has the ability to detect and neutralize poison, but why can't it just have some kind of odd chemical in it?
How do we know that 'magicians' a long time ago weren't merely scientists far ahead of their time? How do we know that 'magical creatures' aren't merely creatures that went extinct a long time ago?

Review: I guess I'll do Horton Hears a Who. My family watched it last night. I cant really think of anything to say about it, though. I did love the part where he's all "Oh, hey Vlad." and it's the rabbit. I also loved "I am light as a feather." (a feather falls and the plank collapses). Jojo was awesome, but they made him way more major than he was in the book and it kinda bugs me. And wasn't it some scientist and not the mayor who was talking to Horton?