Monday, March 23, 2009


Journal: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, *breathes hard* excited. I was just doing my rubic's cube to try and calm down. I can almost finish, but i can't remember the last few steps. Anyway, back on topic. I'm really really REALLY excited because, wait for it, drum roll, okay I'm done beuing idiotic for the moment, SUCCESS ACADEMY JUST CALLED AND APPARENTLY AT LEAST 7 PEOPLE HAVE CHANGED THEIR MINDS SO NOW I'M IN!!!!!!!!!!!! *breathes hard again because I was screaming and I did that in one breath*
I'm sosososososo happy!
Also, I was called as Mia Maid President yesterday, nyah! I hope I do good.

Thought: There's two kinds of genius. The one that's the most necessary, in my opinion, anyway, is the one we fail to recognize. There's the type of genius who can just think of ideas of how to make something work, and the kind where you can look at the thing that's working and immediately see how it works. Like in small world (okay, I've kind of got disneyland ont he brain) there's the magic carpets flying, right? I can look up at it and immediately see how it works and in my head I'm thinking stuff like, that's so simple, why didn't I think of that. My brain just comprehends things so I get really good grades in school. When I said to my mom, "that's so cool, who came up with that?" she replied, "probably someone who failed schol because they were thinking of how to make magic carpets fly." It's so true! a lot of times the very smartest people fail because we insist they're wrong, or we can't understand they're logic. Einstein flunked out of school but he was a genius. I think the creating genius is much more vital to society. Any idiot can learn how something works, or what someone thinks if they studay enough, the other genius can do it faster but even without them society would still function, but what about the people who come up with the new ideas, rather than just learning about the old? they're completely underappreciated because they won't just nod and say "oh, of course this is true." like everyone else, but where would we be if no one had thought up these ideas in the first place and we all just learned what was already known? still living in caves, without knowing anything.

Review: I finished Death Note. I guess I should admit that it was totally awesome. It was really smart, but I'm still ticked that they killed L, the best character, halfway throught the book. Yes, I know that's a major spoiler for anyone who hasn't read that part, but too bad. that basically ruined the book for me. I knew he was going to die, but I didn't think they'd kill the best character mid-story! even if it did help the plot a little, come ON, people! L was what I loved most about the books and you killed him halfway!
seriously, though, it was really good. don't let my annoyed review, which has turned into more of a rant, stop you from reading it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Journal: Yes, I went to Disneyland this week. It rocked. We're doing the pin trading thing. I started with Mickey and Peter and ended up with Stitch and a chibi-looking Mulan. My sister didn't think it was Mulan but I'm all "how many other chinese-looking disney characters arte there with crickets?" she hadn't noticed the cricket apparently. Last time we went I got a totally awesome pin. It was a horse pulling a little trolly thing with mickey, minnie, donald, and someone else. I think it was pluto.
We did the Lip Sync contest on Friday. We did "I'll make a man out of you". It was so fun. Especially since it was all girls. The football players did 'ain't no mountain high enough' did you know they actually sing that while they run? they practice next to the tennis courts so I know, anyway, I thought it was funny because we're the two funny ones and it's the most poopular and the most geeky. The football players can get away with anything because they're popular no matter what and we can get away with anything because we don't want to be popular. They're gonna post the winners next week. I don' actually care, I know the timing was slightly off, but only 3 teachers can actually see our lips anyway. we had the coolest coreaography by far.

Thought: I don't even remember what I was gonna put for this. It was good too! dang it. I'll add this in when I think of something.

Review: I'm so tempted to do Death Note, because that is my current obsession, but I'll wait until I've finished it. Instead, I'm gonna do Harry Potter. The books, the movies do not even deserve my attention. To quote my cousin "the books were written by smart J. K. Rowling. the movies were made by idiots." I loved the Hqarry Potter books. that's what really got me started reading. In second grade I was named 'the queen of harry potter' because I was so obsessive. I even had a Harry Potter birthday party, and I remembered most of the books. I even got bored once and decided to memorize the books. that didn't last long, but it kept me entertained awhile. I don't really like that she made dumble dore gay, though. that was weird.
I remember when I finished the 6th book, my mom was still reading it. My uncle came over and was making me crazy. "oh, yeah, Malfoy dies in the 6th book." I ended up blurting out "No he doesn't. dumbledore does." my mother was not happy.