Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ignore this post

simply making a url so I can put this somewhere else.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Posting fail

so stinking much has happened since I last posted. One of these things is that I got a laptop for christmas, which I am currently posting on.
I also started a chemistry class, which I don't think I like very much. Most of it is stuff I already know, so far, and the teacher isn't great at explanations.
I started what is probably my seventeenth story on friday. Am I ever going to finish one? I hope so, but probably not. I have fun writing them, though.
I have New Beginnings tonight. I'm singing three songs. And I can't sing because of allergies. this should be fun.
hopefully I'll start posting more, but don't count on it for anyone still reading this.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Forensics Freaks

journal: I had my second debate tournament. It was fun, but I feel like i didn't do great. I got sixth place in one of my events, but it's really more that I think I did better in my first tournament than this one. I felt kind of scatterbrained all weekend, but I had some really fun and random conversations with the others on the team. we came up with a name for ourselves(see title) because the other class/clubs have names (e.g. band geeks, orcha-dorks) and we wanted a name too. We keep saying we should do a debate class party and my house has officially been nominated because one of the varsity people stayed at my house and saw the pool we're building (oh yeah, we're building a pool. How cool is that?) and the big screen TV downstairs (and my "hidden fridge.")

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Journal: The first semester is almost over. i can't wait. The first semester of success is supposed to be the hardest. Apparently the hardest combination is SUCCESS and debate. It explains a lot, and makes sense when you think about it. I went to my school play and the tuacahn dance recital this week. both were amazing. literally all of my friends were in tech, though. I was alone all week. I was about to die of boredom during lunch.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me? Slacking? Never.

Journal: Okay, so I'm a slacker. SUCCESS is killing me! I still think it's cool though, and I'm gonna stay. My english teacher is a strict grader! I just barely got my grade up to about an A- (it doesn't really tell you your grades, so that's an estimation). Tennis is over, so I'm hoping to have more time, but thinking through the clubs I signed up for I'm not so sure. I'm gonna die, though. the high school library has hardly any entertainment reading! We're headed to Disneyland this week which should be awesome. If I slack this bad again, hit me. 'Kay, MAC?

Random Thought: Why do people think anime geeks are so weird? So much is actually japanese influenced. We just realize and admit it when we're imitating japan. But somehow, we're the idiots. Also, yese we're kind of odd sometimes, but who's better off? The 'normal' kid who could be doing the world's coolest thing and be bored out of his or her mind, or the otaku who could be entertained for half an hour by turning a page?

Review: Cirque du Freak. Okay, fine. I'll admit it's good so far. Jin wins. I finished book two!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Two weeks is way to long.

Journal: Last week I hung out with my friends almost everyday. It was awesome. On thursday we went to the water park and I killed my phone. hehehe.
This week all of my cousins came over and we hung out until Thursday. I was about ready to kill someone by the end. I'm the oldest of my cousins who came and I'm not used to so many little kids. We went to the washington rec center on tuesday. As we were walking in I heard someone and thought "that sounds exactly like Tyler." (Tyler is tsuki's twin bro) I turned around and it was him. I didn't think tsuki was there, though because He was with some guy I didn't recognize. turns out we both just had all of our cousins there at the same time. We hung out practically the whole time. I was making fun of her pain. Her cousin also started making out with me. It was really weird. (for the record, he was two. I'll bet I gave Mac a heart attack with that.lol.)
When I went to the greenhouse on thursday, there was a huge group planting poinsettias. The teacher put me in charge of them, even though I had no clue we were doing this until that day. I was only supposed to be amnaging the south part of the greenhouse, but w/e.
I'm going to try to get my permit tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

Thought: It's just about impossible to put christian music to rap, unless you're trying to be goofy. It is, however, possible to pull of christian music with screamo parts.

Review: blood and chocolate (book). Okami's crazy. I didn't like it at all.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Journal: I am being injured in really stupid ways today. I went downstairs to put something in the freezer, and when I bent down a thing of ground beef fell on my head. I was crying and laughing at the same time. A couple minutes later, my sister said she was going to do youth choir because one of her friends was doing it, and she wanted to do it if someone else would. I gave her a 'what?' look because I've been doing it for awhile. She goes "Oh, well i meant one of my friends." I fake stabbed myself in the heart, except i did it too hard and hurt myself. hehehe.
I've been assigned to make suer I have my permit by the 20th. I need my social security first because somebody lost it. *significantly looks at mom*
Tadashi and Hikari came down for the week! nyah! (no, those are not their real names) They stayed at my house and we had so much fun. we made sock puppets and talked a ton about our stories, I got both of them to agree to start writing again, we'll see how that works out, we had a slumber party, and we hung out with my family friends yesterday. I always forget how much I like that family, then we hang out and I wonder why i never see them.

Thought: I'm a dementor! I'm a dementor!

Review: Night world is awesome! I picked it up from the library and I was going "what have I read of hers? I know that name!" then I saw something about 'author of vampire diaries' and I'm all "Oh, that could be it." Hoshi recommended it and lent them to me earlier this year.