Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me? Slacking? Never.

Journal: Okay, so I'm a slacker. SUCCESS is killing me! I still think it's cool though, and I'm gonna stay. My english teacher is a strict grader! I just barely got my grade up to about an A- (it doesn't really tell you your grades, so that's an estimation). Tennis is over, so I'm hoping to have more time, but thinking through the clubs I signed up for I'm not so sure. I'm gonna die, though. the high school library has hardly any entertainment reading! We're headed to Disneyland this week which should be awesome. If I slack this bad again, hit me. 'Kay, MAC?

Random Thought: Why do people think anime geeks are so weird? So much is actually japanese influenced. We just realize and admit it when we're imitating japan. But somehow, we're the idiots. Also, yese we're kind of odd sometimes, but who's better off? The 'normal' kid who could be doing the world's coolest thing and be bored out of his or her mind, or the otaku who could be entertained for half an hour by turning a page?

Review: Cirque du Freak. Okay, fine. I'll admit it's good so far. Jin wins. I finished book two!